
Sup­port­er, part­ner, con­sul­tant
Com­pe­tence cen­ter, devel­op­er


Servus! Maier Bros. Vien­na opens

Maier Bros. is now also avail­able in Vien­na, where we pro­vide our cus­tomers with a com­pre­hen­sive range of proven and state-of-the-art tech­nol­o­gy. Of course, our sus­tain­able elec­tric­i­ty sup­pli­ers and bio­methane trucks are also ready for use. As in our loca­tions in Ger­many and Italy, we are hap­py to be avail­able here as a good and fair part­ner and advi­sor. From dumplings to cur­ry sausage and from Kölsch to Vier­spän­ner: the right Maier Bros. branch is cer­tain­ly not far away. Vien­na — we look for­ward to see­ing you!

For more sus­tain­abil­i­ty
on set

Film hybrids — envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly pow­er sup­pli­ers

The film hybrid series sup­plies film sets with envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly ener­gy.
In the low-load range, these sys­tems are also easy on the bud­get.

CNG trucks — With bio­methane to the set

Our 7.2 t and 12 t CNG trucks run on 96% bio­methane.
A fuel that brings the tech­nol­o­gy to the set almost CO2-neu­tral.

Card­board sty­ros — it does­n’t always have to be poly­styrene

We can replace poly­styrene, which is extreme­ly dif­fi­cult to biode­grade, with 100% recy­clable card­board box­es, plus advan­tages in terms of sta­bil­i­ty and ser­vice life.
Ask us about our “card­board sty­ros”.


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